What it means to have a duty of care in own work role:
A duty of care within my childcare setting - or indeed any other setting involves an obligation that I as childminder and leader of the setting ensure that all children in my care are taken care of and not harmed during any part of the day or during any particular activity.
Within my work role I have risk assessments to undertake for day to day running of the setting plus assessments for any further activities such as trips out, going in the car, walking to the park, playing with water etc. It is my duty to watch out for potential hazards, preventing mistakes or accidents and to make good choices.
Within my work role I must work to safeguard all the children in my care, and to safeguard them throughout - meaning I will keep records of any harm that may have occurred whilst they are OUT of my environment as well as IN my environment. I keep a record of all outside agencies who are there to help me and support me make the right decisions to keep the children in my care as safe as can be and also have a safeguarding policy for me to follow and for any staff I may employ to follow. I hold all relevant first aid certificates and keep policies for most eventualities, I keep an accident record and keep signatures from parents of children who may have had an accident in my care.
I follow the EYFS Framework rigidly to ensure that the parents and carers can see that I am providing a setting for their children to thrive in a safe and caring way and to achieve the five Every Child Matters outcomes :- Staying Safe,Being Healthy,Enjoying and Achieving,Making a positive Contribution and Achieving Economic Wellbeing.
To keep this maintained and to consistently keep moving in the right direction for my work role I am registered with OFSTED on the Early Years Register. It is my legal responsibility to ensure my provision meets learning and development requirements and complies