Engage in Personal Development in Health and Social Care or Children’s and Young Peoples Settings
Outcome 1
Understand what is required for competence in own work role
There are a huge range of jobs within the Early years sector, and the duties and responsibilities of these roles vary enormously. So it is important that you understand what is required of you in your own specific job role.
This will be set out in your job description issued by the setting. The duties and responsibilities will often be expressed as tasks. For an example, if you are working in baby room of a nursery, tasks listed on your job description may include:
- meet the emotional and physical care needs of babies sensitively.
- make regular observations and assessment of the development of babies.
Often there is an additional ‘person specification’ section of a job description. This details the knowledge, experience and attributes that the practitioner will need to fulfil the duties and responsibilities. This may include things such as:
- the ability to interact with babies with sensitivity and respect
- experience of meeting the emotional and physical care needs of babies
- excellent knowledge and understanding of the development patterns of babies.
Duties which I carry out at my setting are :
- Care for children and young people and babies throughout the day
-Feeding, including bottle feeds
-changing nappies
-observations, following the EYFS
-cleaning duties such as hovering and mopping.
When the settings are devising their job descriptions and person specifications, they will consider the relevant standards that they expect their new staff member to meet. Settings will not reach the minimum standards required of them if the practitioners they employ are not up to scratch. The standards that will be considered are shown below: * Codes of practice * Regulations * Minimum standards * National occupational standards * Quality assurance