In accordance with the provisions of the New Public Service Regulations, a Head of Department shall for each post or group of posts, establish a job description and job title based on the main objectives of the post, including an appropriate emphasis on service delivery.
Job titles and job descriptions describe the functions which are necessary to be performed to ensure viability and future success.
Job evaluation on the other hand describes a mechanism which attempts to achieve internal equity and the means to evaluate jobs within the organisation in terms of their worth to that organisation.
From the job description the following should be clear :
* what is done ; * how it is done ; * why it is done.
Your job description is a broad indication of the work you are required to do. However, you may be required to undertake other duties, particularly when others are absent from work. No job title nor job description can be regarded as a precise specification of duties, but should be seen as a guide to main responsibilities.
The following principles underpin the preparation of job descriptions :
* describe the job and not the employee ; * describe the job as it is presently envisaged and not as it is hoped or believed it could be done in the future ; * assume that the job is properly and adequately performed ; * describe what is done, how it is done, why it is done ; * disregard events or tasks that are unlikely in the job
Name of the current post holder : Andries Lethibelane Job title / job category title : Secretaty
Department : Office of the Premier
Core applicable to occupational category : To provide secretarial