Selective attention is when one person focuses on just one stimulus while ignoring all the other ones. Although we may be gathering information from our surrounding environment that does not necessarily mean we are taking everything in. In actuality humans are filtering out part of the information while some of the other information goes on for further processing in the brain. A study done by Karns, Isbell, Giuliano, and Neville (2015) observed the results of dichotic listening experiment with participates ranging from the age of 3-16 years old. It found that the younger children were not able to selectively allocate attention changes particularly in noisy environments with competing speech stimuli. This particular study of people in different age groups did show somewhat of a difference in results when there were multiple stimuli being presented simultaneously instead of just one. The attentiveness results exhibit that the possibility of age can have an effect on this category of selective attentiveness. Over years people have continued to research and develop hypotheses about rather age is an important factor in terms of attention capabilities. This information can help further information of how we learn and memory. Attention is an important concept when it comes to cognitive functions and with improved knowledge about this subject future research can only be improved …show more content…
Researchers also make emphasize to try their experiments on different age groups. In the discussion section of a study that tested the effect of dual task performance of both adults and children concluded that “Moreover, older adults produced significantly slower reaction times than did younger adults in all conditions, and especially when they performed the dual task” (Anderson, Bayliss, Bucks, & Sala, 2011). What they did was gather healthy participates ranging from the age of 17 through age of 81 of both male and female. They sat them down in front of a computer and had them listen to a list of numbers being said by the computer. Then they had to repeat the list of numbers in the correct sequence verbally. These results are similar to another experiment in which dual task on younger adults and older adults are tested. The study had participants use a simulated street crossing task constructed in an immersive virtual environment with an integrated treadmill so that participants could walk as they would in the real world. Participants were asked to cross simulated streets of varying difficulty while either undistracted, listening to music, or conversing on a cell phone (Neider, Gaspar, McCarley, Crowell, Kaczmarski, & Kramer, 2011). Their results exhibited that the older adults were more likely to have dual task impairments then the younger adults especially when the