In the story a separate peace by John Knowles,its about two boys who are roommates that go to devon school while a war is going on.the two characters finny and gene became best friends,they fight like friends do. Even though they seem like best finny doesn't know that gene secretly hates him.The theme in the story is don't let jealousy get in the way of friendship.the ways gene is jealous of finny is finny can play sports,finny can talk himself out of trouble,because gene is so jealous he causes finny to shatter his leg.
Gene was jealous because finny was good at sports.Finny was naturally good at sports,so when they were swimming in the lake finny wanted to see if he could break the record.He broke the record then told gene …show more content…
patch-withers.Because finny was good at sports and could talk himself out of trouble,gene was jealous and caused his leg to shatter.
Gene was jealous of finny and he let his jealous cause finny’s injury. Gene was jealous that finny was considered popular at school and good at sports so he got angry and waited for finny to hurt him.”Holding firmly to the trunk,I took a step toward him,and then my knees bent and I jounced the limb.Finny,his balance gone,”(Knowles,p.28).When finny was turned around getting ready to jump off the tree,trusting gene to hold the branch.Gene made finny fall off of the tree.gene was jealous because finny could do great things and not have to work hard to do it,gene on the other hand had to work for everything