that ties Phoenix’s shoe as a helper. The lady bends down “And laced and tied both shoes tightly” (492). The lady that ties Phoenix’s shoe is similar to the helpers in a hero’s journey. Next, she introduces the nurse as one of Phoenix’s helpers. The nurse helps Phoenix by giving her the medicine every time she comes to get it (493). The nurse that helps Phoenix when she comes to town resembles the supernatural helpers that Campbell describes in his book. Phoenix’s journey relates to a hero’s journey because she encounters helpers. The next way Phoenix’s journey corresponds to the hero’s journey are the guardians that she meets along the way.
Campbell tells us that the hero will come across a guardian who will protect the “Entrance” of “The zone of magnified power” (77). First, Phoenix has to get up the hill. Phoenix states that it seems “‘Like there is chains about my feet’” every time she gets to a certain point on the hill (489). The hill is similar to the type of guardians in a hero’s journey. Then, Phoenix has to get past a thorn bush. Phoenix is caught in a bush and says the bush is doing its “‘Appointed work’” and it “‘Never want to let folks pass’” (490). The bush resembles a guardian out of a hero’s journey by trying to stop Phoenix from continuing. Finally, Phoenix has to get over the log is a “Trial” but when she gets over it she realizes that she is not as old as she thought (490). The log challenges Phoenix physically because she is an elder and struggles similarly to a hero in a hero’s journey. Phoenix’s journey relates to a hero’s journey because she faces
guardians. Another way Phoenix’s journey corresponds to the hero’s journey are the tests that Phoenix has to overcome. Campbell states that a hero “Must survive a secession of trials” (97).
Welty introduces the corn maze as one of Phoenix’s main test. Phoenix states that she has to get “‘Through the maze’” that has “No path” (490). The maze that does not have a path is similar to the types of tests in the hero’s journey. She also introduces the barbed wire fence as a test. Phoenix has “To creep and crawl” until she is “Safe through the fence” (490). The barbed wire fence resembles some types of test in the hero’s journey because she has to get through something to be safe. Finally, Phoenix has to pass the main test which is remembering why she made the journey. Phoenix remembers and says that “‘It was my memory had left me’” (493) phoenix remembering why she made the journey represents one of the more difficult tasks in the hero’s journey. Phoenix’s journey relates to a hero’s journey because she faces trials. Phoenix’s journey corresponds to the hero’s journey in several different ways. The helpers, resistant guardians, and difficult tests prove that their journeys are similar. The purpose for Phoenix’s trip is to get medicine in Natchez for her grandson. Her trip shows qualities of a hero on a hero’s journey.