Understand the principles and requirements of assessment 1.1 Assessment is used as a tool for marking and grading in a practical environment and can be used to motivate by on-going improvement of the task, creating learning opportunities and to give feedback. It also allows students the chance to work at their own speed to produce the best product, when it is felt that they are competent in the task to be assessed. This is measured against the tasks listed in aims and objectives of lesson plan and should, Help learners to achieve their full potential and enable learners to achieve the standard required for their course. Encourage learners to develop independent learning skills and identify any further support required so that this can be provided for learners as appropriate, also inform the setting of targets which help the learner to improve. Enable teachers to analyse learning and progress and evaluate the way courses are taught and managed, to aid continuous improvement and enable employers to evaluate the progress of their learners in relation to the goals of their organisation. Formative assessment should identify the positive achievements of each learner and the areas of their work that need to be improved and summative assessment should provide learners and teachers with an accurate view of the quality of learning outcomes and how these relate to standards set by the relevant awarding body.
1.2 Principles of assessment * The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student performance
Good assessment is based on a vision of the kinds of learning we most value for students and how they might best achieve these. It sets out to measure what matters most. * Assessment should be based on an understanding of how students learn
Assessment is most effective when it reflects the fact that learning is a complex process that is multi-dimensional, integrated and revealed in student performance over time. * Assessment