Completing The Sentence
1. loiter
2. plundered
3. vilified
4. wry
5. impediment
6. imperative
7. foreboding
8. enormity
9. haughty
10. adapt
11. faltered
12. malinger
13. vaunted
14. steadfast
15. forlorn
16. waifs
17. pithy
18. dovetail
19. attest
20. simper
Synonyms And Antonyms
1. loiter
2. steadfast
3. vaunted
4. attested
5. plundered
6. wry
7. vilify
8. imperative
9. enormity
10. simpers
11. dovetail
12. foreboding
13. adapt
14. malinger
15. waifs
16. forlorn
17. pithy
18. faltered
19. haughty
20. impediments
Choosing The Right Word
1. vaunt
2. adapt
3. impediment
4. pithy
5. attest
6. foreboding
7. steadfast
8. malingering
9. falter
10. imperative
11. wry
12. simper
13. waif
14. enormity
15. plundered
16. loitering
17. haughty
18. forlorn
19. vilify
20. dovetail
Vocabulary In Context
1. confirms
2. huge size
3. obstacles
4. schedule woebegone Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level C Answers – Unit 14
Completing The Sentence
21. arrogant
22. vendor
23. armistice
24. bland
25. niches
26. obliterate
27. amplify
28. epoch
29. gratifies
30. rote
31. kindred
32. disclaim
33. estranged
34. ransacked
35. solvent
36. tedious
37. infinite
38. irascible
39. naive
40. ramshackle
Synonyms And Antonyms
21. estrange
22. vendor
23. bland
24. obliterate
25. rote
26. tedious
27. ransacked
28. epoch
29. arrogant
30. irascible
31. niche
32. armistice
33. gratified
34. amplifies
35. kindred
36. infinite
37. ramshackle
38. solvent
39. disclaimed
40. naive
Choosing The Right Word
21. niche
22. infinite
23. vendor
24. bland
25. obliterate
26. ransacked
27. irascible
28. arrogant
29. rote
30. naive
31. estranged
32. amplified
33. epoch
34. solvent
35. kindred
36. armistice
37. ramshackle
38. gratifying
39. tedious
40. disclaim
Vocabulary In Context
5. place
6. irritable