LP – EC2253
LP Rev. No: 01
Date: 16/12/10
Page: 01 of 06 | |
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| |Sub Code & Name: EC2253 - ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS | |
| |Unit : I Branch : EC Semester :IV | |
Introduction to Co-ordinate System-Rectangular-Cylindrical and Spherical Co-ordinate system-Introduction to line, Surface and Volume Integrals-Definition of Curl, Divergence and Gradient-Meaning of Strokes theorem and Divergence theorem.
Coulomb’s Law in Vector Form – Definition of Electric field Intensity-Principle of Superposition-Electric field due to discrete charges-Electric field due to continuous charge distribution-Electric field due to charges distributed uniformly on an infinite and finite line-Electric Field on the axis of a uniformly charged circular disc-Electric Field due to an infinite uniformly charged sheet.
Electric Scalar Potential-Relationship between potential and electric field-Potential due to infinite uniformly charged line-Potential due to electrical dipole-Electric Flux Density-Gauss Law-Proof of Gauss Law-Applications.
Objective: To analyze field potentials due to static charges.
|Session No. |Topics to be covered |Time |Ref |Teaching Method |
|1. |Introduction to Co-Ordinate System |50m |1,4,6 |BB |
|2. |Rectangular-Cylindrical and Spherical Co-ordinate system, Problems |50m
References: [3] M.N.O. Sadiku: “Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics” Oxford University Press, Fourth edition, 2007. [4] Narayana Rao. N: “Engineering Electromagnetics” 4th edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006. [5] Ramo, Whinnery and Van Duzer: “Fields and Waves in Communications Electronics” John Wiley & Sons (3rd edition 2003). [6] David K. Cheng: “Field and Wave Electromangetics” – Second Edition- Pearson Edition, 2004. [7] G.S.N. Raju, “Electromagnetic Field Theory & Transmission Lines Pearson Education, 2006.