My understanding of how the AASW Code of Ethics (2010), impacts and guides practice has significantly developed from my experiences and observations throughout my final placement.
The imbedded learning task for this learning area, has challenged me to be insightful and grow both personally and professionally. Utilising supervision has allowed me to be reflective and identify the goal of being reflective IN action as opposed to after, which was something that I had aimed to improve throughout my placement.
I have a much greater understanding of how to go about advocating on behalf of an individual and the dilemma's that child protection practitioners encounter in their field
of practice such as working with both the perpetrators and the victims. I have learnt the importance of being objective and transparent with clients in practice as well as the consequences of not doing so.
At the end of my placement, I acknowledge that sometimes an organisations protocols can conflict with the AASW Code of Ethics (2010), however, there are times where an individual can challenge this, and there are many more times when an individual cannot. In these circumstances, it is vital to not be disheartened and discouraged but to continue being reflective and working alongside the client to the best of one's ability.