Designed to improve ethical reasoning skills and to convey ethical and legal standards of the profession through small group discussions and reading assignments.
Educational Objectives:
The student will gain knowledge in the principles of dental ethics. The objectives of the course are for the student to be able to: (1) describe the key features of a profession, (2) identify resources for making complex ethical judgments, (3) know professional obligations identified in the text, (4) understand and apply four normative ethical principles that play a role with dentistry, (5) discuss professional obligations according to Ozar’s Three Models of Professionalism, (6) answer multiple choice questions based on the ADA Code of …show more content…
As a consequence, society affords the profession certain privileges that are not available to members of the public-at-large. In return, the profession makes a commitment to society that its members will adhere to high ethical standards of conduct. These standards are embodied in the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct (ADA Code). The ADA Code is, in effect, a written expression of the obligations arising from the implied contract between the dental profession and society.
Members of the ADA voluntarily agree to abide by the ADA Code as a condition of membership in the Association. They recognize that continued public trust in the dental profession is based on the commitment of individual dentists to high ethical standards of …show more content…
The Code of Professional Conduct is a product of the ADA's legislative system. All elements of the Code of Professional Conduct result from resolutions that are adopted by the ADA's House of Delegates. The Code of Professional Conduct is binding on members of the ADA, and violations may result in disciplinary action.
The Advisory Opinions are interpretations that apply the Code of Professional Conduct to specific fact situations. They are adopted by the ADA's Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs to provide guidance to the membership on how the Council might interpret the Code of Professional Conduct in a disciplinary proceeding.
The ADA Code is an evolving document and by its very nature cannot be a complete articulation of all ethical obligations. The ADA Code is the result of an on-going dialogue between the dental profession and society, and as such, is subject to continuous