1. What are at least two facts presented by each side of the critical issue? The NIMH cites studies which have shown that 25% of family members of those suffering from ADHD also have ADHD, and that studies concerning identical twins also show that genetic considerations play a large role in the development of ADHD (Halgin, 2009). Further, the NIMH mentions several clear neurological differences in children that exhibit behavioral signs of ADHD compared with controls: 1) decreased white matter volume; 2) smaller overall brains and; 3) abnormalities in the basal ganglia. These clear observations would seem to necessitate a biological basis for ADHD; however, the results do not conclude causation, only correlation. Therefore, it is not clear whether the biological abnormalities cause the behavioral signs of ADHD or whether the behavior/environmental stimuli itself cause the biological abnormalities.…
Client S.D. is a 16 year old African American/ Puerto Rican female. She was adopted by her adoptive mother when she was six months old. She remains connected with her biological father. The client attends an alternative high school for students with low grade point averages or insufficient credit to proceed to the nest grade. The client has discussed her concerns of being diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and how it has affected her in school. She’s expressed that her marijuana usage was done to alleviate or reduce the symptoms of ADHD. For the purpose of this case design the interning clinician will address reducing marijuana usage using motivational interviewing.…
Family inheritance is one of the most significant factors of developing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Statistics show that if a childs parent has ADHD, they have a 50% risk of having the condition. (www.families.com) A child is at an even higher risk of having ADHD if they have an identical twin with the condition. This increases their chances of developing ADHD by 80 to 90% (www.families.com) .this information accepts my hypothesis.…
These factors can impact you before and after birth. In “ The Science of Success” author David Dobbs uses dandelions and orchids to represent two differnt kinds of peopel. The dandelions represetn genes that make us, “as hardy as dandelions, able to take root and survive almost anywhere”(Dobbs,1). However some of us are more like orchids that are fragile but if taken care of properly can blume to the most beutiful flowers. Researchers started to study this theory and wanted to see whether kids with a risk allele for ADHD would respond as much to positive neviroments as to negative. They also got kids who had the “protective allele” who were suposdely less vulnurable to bad envirometns. The test came in and the kids who had the risk alelle were more successful. The author writes,”... the toddlers wih the risk allele blew right by their counterparts. They cut their externalizing scores by almsot 27 percent, while the protective alelle kids cut theirs by just 12 percent” (Dodds,13). This part of the articel about how people wiht the risk allele are more succesfful in positive envirmonents shows how factors like these can make you flourish in life. At the same time, if not taken care of properly the ountcome wont be the…
Also in this periodical, it mentions the quicker you pinpoint what is wrong with the child, the faster you can get the support or medication he or…
What do you know about ADD or ADHD? How can ADD/ADHD affect a student if they are not treated in time? "Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are condition listed as developmental disorder in the classification manual for psychiatric, psychological, and mental disorder." (Steinberg & Othmer 2) When people hear about ADD/ADHD they assume that only kids and teens have this problem, but there have been some cases that this diagnosis has been found when someone reaches adulthood. ADD/ADHD today is a really common disorder; on average 2 out of 20 adult students have ADD/ADHD and they do not know they have it. If this diagnosis is not treated at a young age, people that have ADD/ADHD and who are not aware they have it can struggle a lot, especially when they get into college.…
In studying the aspects of psychology different considerations and approaches that should be viewed as clinical applications for the treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in children and adolescents. Within the scope of practice circumstantial causations for ADHD, have different approaches in the treatment of this disorder. No two people are the same, for this reason exploring geno-grams, biological heredity, environmental upbringing, and their own personal view on life help to distinguish a proper approach in therapy and treatment. Though some might fit in a simple structure for treatment, it can often be more complicated. The two interventions of focus for discussion in this paper will be the systems approach and the medical model approach as applicable for treatment of ADHD.…
This article explores the correlation between parents with ADHD and the clinical presentation of ADHD in their children. The article also explores the impact of parents with ADHD on family environment, family functioning, and mother/father-child relationships. Results from this article show several negative factors associated with both maternal and paternal ADHD on their children.…
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, is a behavioral condition that makes focusing on everyday routines a challenge. Individuals who have ADHD and are left untreated can develop behavioral and emotional problems, difficulties within relationships and family problems. Children with this disorder never outgrow it, and adults often have difficulties keeping jobs and maintaining relationships with people. Research studies show that ADHD is genetic and may be environmentally induced. While there is no cure for ADHD, with proper education, psychological therapy, and medication people diagnosed with this disorder have had success in coping with their symptoms.…
For the past 100 years how to treat children with ADHD has been among controversy. I am sure you are wondering what is ADHD? Several families have found themselves asking the same questions. ADHD is a common developmental and behavioral disorder. It is characterized by poor concentration, distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulses that are inappropriate for the child's age. Children with ADHD are easily distracted by sights and sounds in their environment, cannot concentrate for long periods of time, are restless and impulsive, or have a tendency to daydream and be slow to complete tasks. (webcenter.health.webmd.netscape.com/content/article/45/1663-51211, 2006). In my research…
Over the past couple of decades there has been a huge increase in the diagnosis and prescriptions given out for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. According to a news report done by USA Today over the past five years use of ADHD medications have risen 40% totaling 39.5 million individual prescriptions ("New findings," 2009). When statistics like this are seen it is only normal for someone to ask questions. People are becoming curious about the legitimacy of the disorder, and whether or not the treatments being given to individuals are appropriate. The argument seems to be strong on both sides of the fence, but the extensive research done on ADHD leaves it hard for one to believe that it is a made up disorder.…
This paper explores four published sources that report on the ways in which society has resorted to misdiagnosing today’s male youth with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as a way to stop undesirable childhood behavior that is otherwise normal. The article takes into consideration possible factors that may contribute to the increasing amount of misdiagnoses among children today. With studies conducted in the articles by Ilina Singh (2005) and Lydia Furman (2005), the authors put focus on the moral dilemmas that arise for parents when deciding whether or not to medicate their children for ADHD. This paper discusses common societal misconceptions about ADHD and they ways in which it is being mistaken as a disease rather…
According to the WebMD news article, the causes of ADHD are filled with uncertainty. However, the experts believe that there is a strong correlation between ADHD and a genetic component. It appears that children with ADHD have different levels of certain chemicals in the brain. Also, there is an increased risk of having ADHD for babies born with low birth weight as well as children who have been exposed to lead or other environmental infections. Since ADHD beings in early childhood, studies have assumed that ADH tends to run in families. In fact, studies have found that if one or both parents have ADHD, their children are also more likely to develop ADHD. The WebMD News article is reliable since the content of health information are written by the award-winning medical staffs who have professional expertise in medicine, journalism, health communication and content creation. This source is aimed toward for both parents and children who may have interest in learning about the causes of ADHD.…
It is easy to peek into the average classroom and make assumptions of the students such as motivated, creative, organized, and sometimes lazy but they usually do not take the time to figure out why. Many people look at the distracted child and see them as "lazy", but what many do not know is that a small number of these children are effected with either ADHD or ADD. To be exact, ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which is a common childhood disorder. It can be difficult disorder to diagnose and even harder to understand. Attention Deficit Disorder, also known as ADD has much to do with ADHD, with…
tasks, or be completely aware of what is going on in the world around them.…