These factors can impact you before and after birth. In “ The Science of Success” author David Dobbs uses dandelions and orchids to represent two differnt kinds of peopel. The dandelions represetn genes that make us, “as hardy as dandelions, able to take root and survive almost anywhere”(Dobbs,1). However some of us are more like orchids that are fragile but if taken care of properly can blume to the most beutiful flowers. Researchers started to study this theory and wanted to see whether kids with a risk allele for ADHD would respond as much to positive neviroments as to negative. They also got kids who had the “protective allele” who were suposdely less vulnurable to bad envirometns. The test came in and the kids who had the risk alelle were more successful. The author writes,”... the toddlers wih the risk allele blew right by their counterparts. They cut their externalizing scores by almsot 27 percent, while the protective alelle kids cut theirs by just 12 percent” (Dodds,13). This part of the articel about how people wiht the risk allele are more succesfful in positive envirmonents shows how factors like these can make you flourish in life. At the same time, if not taken care of properly the ountcome wont be the
These factors can impact you before and after birth. In “ The Science of Success” author David Dobbs uses dandelions and orchids to represent two differnt kinds of peopel. The dandelions represetn genes that make us, “as hardy as dandelions, able to take root and survive almost anywhere”(Dobbs,1). However some of us are more like orchids that are fragile but if taken care of properly can blume to the most beutiful flowers. Researchers started to study this theory and wanted to see whether kids with a risk allele for ADHD would respond as much to positive neviroments as to negative. They also got kids who had the “protective allele” who were suposdely less vulnurable to bad envirometns. The test came in and the kids who had the risk alelle were more successful. The author writes,”... the toddlers wih the risk allele blew right by their counterparts. They cut their externalizing scores by almsot 27 percent, while the protective alelle kids cut theirs by just 12 percent” (Dodds,13). This part of the articel about how people wiht the risk allele are more succesfful in positive envirmonents shows how factors like these can make you flourish in life. At the same time, if not taken care of properly the ountcome wont be the