Covering Sessions 1 to 5 (Units 1 to 4 in the Internet Section)
This practice exam is structured to take 180 minutes. Since it is worth 50 marks, you would allocate 3.6 minutes for each mark.
Question 1 (18 marks – 65 minutes)
A memory stick containing the records of 4,500 patients went missing from a speech and hearing clinic at the University of Western Ontario (UWO). This is an example of how a thumb-sized device and ever-smaller digital technology is heightening security risks. Included among the records on the tiny storage device were 11 years worth of names, addresses, phone numbers, birth dates, doctor information, school and child-care information. Also on the stick were 142 OHIP numbers. …show more content…
Leeper Speech and Hearing Clinic at the University of Western Ontario's Elborn College. The Ontario Infant Hearing Program (IHP) is a province-wide program of the Ministry of Child and Youth Services designed to identify all infants with permanent hearing impairment and provide the services necessary to maximize family communication and language development in the child. The missing records are from 1999 to 2010. Staff at the clinic realized the USB key was missing early in February 2011 after space was "rearranged," said Janice Deakin, UWO's provost and vice-president academic.
A) Discuss two ethical issues raised in the article related to the missing data. (2 marks)