Prompting and
Transfer of Stimulus
Prompting and Transfer of
Stimulus Control
Used to develop stimulus control
(to get the right behavior to occur at the right time – in the presence of the SD)
Used to develop new behaviors
Teaching Trevor to hit a baseball
Teaching skills to kids with autism
Learning new material for a class
Prompting and Transfer of Stimulus
Control is used by:
People who need to teach or train others
What is a Prompt?
An antecedent stimulus or event that controls a response
A prompt gets the behavior to occur in the correct situation so the behavior can be reinforced SD + prompt R SR
Types of Prompts
Response prompts
Stimulus prompts
Response prompts:
Involve the behavior of another person
- Verbal prompt
- Gestural prompt
- Modeling prompt
- Physical prompt
Stimulus prompts:
Involve change in an antecedent stimulus
- Within stimulus prompt
-Position, size, shape, color, intensity
- Extra-stimulus prompt
-Pictorial assistance with assembly line work
-X marks the spot (“Which is left?”)
Response vs. Stimulus
– Good for?
– Adding new behaviors to a repertoire
– Good for?
– Helping establish stimulus control
SD (prompt) ------------> R -------------> SR
Baseball thrown ----> swing the ---------> hit the by pitcher bat correctly baseball, (coach’s assistance) get praise
Written word “ENTER” ----> student ----> praise
(teacher says “enter”) says “enter”
Transfer of Stimulus Control
Getting the behavior to occur in the presence of the SD without prompts
Prompt delay
Gradual removal of a prompt while the response occurs in the presence of the SD
Prompt fading - Gradually removing the response prompt Example: Coach provides less and less physical assistance to Trevor to hit the ball
Stimulus fading - Gradually removing the stimulus prompt
Example: Over time, the X on the back of a child’s hand fades, allowing “left”