Firstly, we decided that each person developed an own idea about the financial report and accounting challenge. Then we intended to assign tasks for every group member accounting to structure which included in task details. Each person should analyze their own point about challenge and we allocated group parts, such as introduction, by personal willing. I took responsibility of making a conclusion of report and making up all parts from others. Other members took care of title, executive summary, introduction , methodology etc. Basically, we did work as a group. We would share our ideas though group message. For example, we tried to avoid to talk about the same point when we did our personal parts. When we finished everyone’s issues, we combined those 5 ideas together. And then we could continue to write down introduction or conclusion.
I think it is very important to have some strategies when we work as a group in the accounting profession. Firstly, communication is fundamental in teamwork. But many people do not understand what communication means. They believe communication is a skill how they share others’ their own ideas. But as “inc” magazine says that skillfully listening is much important than just talking in term of efficient and effective communication. People always have different ideas. we should know how our group members consider a question and what is different between our own ideas and other ideas. Then we can ask good questions that get to the heart of the matter.
Secondly, it is necessary to have a leader in the