University of Phoenix Material
Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet
Part I: Select and identify six groups in the left-hand column. Complete the matrix.
Part II: Write a summary.
Part III: Format references consistent with APA guidelines.
Jorge Vich
|Part I: Matrix |What is the group’s history in the United |What is the group’s population in the |What are some attitudes and customs people|What is something you admire about |
| |States? |United States? |of this group may practice? |this group’s people, lifestyle, or |
| | | | |society? |
|White |The United States Census Bureau defines White|The Census database shows the in 2000 out|They practice Christianity or catholicity |They have a real well organize |
| |people as those “having origins in one of the|of 281.4 million people 216.9 million |as their main form of religion. There also|lifestyle, they have tons of goals, |
| |original people of Europe, the Middle East or|reported as only white. This equals to |really in depended, and extremely hard |and they know that their goals can be |
| |North Africa”. Whites are the history of the |77.1% of the population |working. |achieve with hard work. |
| |Unites States. | | | |
|Native |European people did not intend to antagonize