Coping with the mental and physical adversity through racisism
Disadvantaged through whiiite legistration of family fragmentation forced removal of children
Broader socio-political factors that contribute to emotional n physical spiritual wellbeing
Forced urbanization and the stolen generation
So many Threats experienced to their psychosocial development
Family community and kinship connections are a fundamental part of life
No cultural sensitivity their needs aspirations values traditions
Barriers no support for positive development
Life of sustainability in variable primary production Theirs a sparse mobile population positive development no understanding of their interactions with their environment that social ecological factor s such as family community and culture are influential for positive human development
The poems We are Going by ON and Token Kooris by AH depict imagery of the Australian aboriginal race whose culture and interactions with their environment is misunderstood and declining. Through a satirical note AH speaks of the survival or resilience of the aboriginal race even thou faced with racial adversities and cultural slaughter whereas ON s verse has the tones of sadness with suggestion of their defeat,
“…A semi-naked band subdued and silent, all that remained of their tribe”
Early Australian legist ration saw the fragmentation, of aboriginal families with forced removal of children , now known as “The stolen generation,”. This hopelessness of lost identity is manifested not only in ONs Poems title , “We are Gone “, but in the lines,
“We are nature and the past , all the old ways, Gone now and scattered”
It is not only his community that he writes about going and being replaced but their culture, traditions and values also;
“We are strangers here now, but the white tribe are the strangers”
‘The bora ring is gone
The corroboree is gone
And we are going”
He shows the negative perspective