2. Which type of leadership power is Britney using? Is it effective in this situation? Why or why not? Britney uses the leadership of meeting with each and every employee. She went to them for suggestions on how they felt that the company's could be better Billy work there so long they should know how to increase revenue and how to increase their employee …show more content…
Does Cadence have any other alternatives than the two that she is considering? Predict what will happen if she sticks to the two options she has considered already. Cadence theory is to increase productivity by stopping the individuals who are promoting employee that unworthy to be advance and given overtime because of nepotism or favoritism towards the employees that are friendly with their supervisor . Dusty's to weed out those on Focus that are Operating And the favoritism Behavior to eradicate That behavior and increase productivity by giving those more deserving Proof showing that they have the knowledge plus the ability to do the position Abilities. Candace two options that she took Was following company policy and take advantage of situations if the penalty is less than the benefit and the risk of being …show more content…
Would government support for whistle-blowers in the form of monetary rewards be effective to help whistle-blowers step up? Why or why not? Justify your answer. The government protection group OSHA'S. Section 11(c) of the OSH Act prohibits employers from discriminating against their employees for exercising their rights under the OSH Act. These rights include filing an OSHA complaint, participating in an inspection or talking to an inspector, seeking access to employer exposure and injury records, reporting an injury, and raising a safety or health complaint with the employer. If the workers have been retaliated or discriminated against for exercising their rights, they must file a complaint with OSHA within 30 days of the alleged adverse action. This is done anonymously So that the employer does not know that the Employee has reported them To the group for investigation and cuts down on the retaliation of the company hiring the employee during the time of the investigation And after the investigation. The section 11 (c) is above that I have cited In order for you to understand The law for that particular