Donna illustrates many traits for a successful leader. She communicates a vision that is shared by the community and employees by being clear and passionable. She gains trust of her employees by going out and interacting with them. Donna empowers her employees to achieve the goals in hand. She shows openness to her employees by listening to their ideas and supporting them to achieve them. She leads in a way by showing empathy, being supportive of needs, showing trust, allowing employees to participate in decision making process, and asking for input for future goals. She shows her dedication to the community and employees and as a result she gains trust and integrity. She uses the relations orientation and participating style of sharing ideas. She acts like a role model to her employees and uses the mentor approach because that is how she was taught and learned from. Some characteristics that she contributed to her success are attentiveness, confident, energetic, efficient, compassionate, honest, maturity, enthusiastic, skillful, considerate, reliable, trustworthy, pleasant, responsible, calm, and motivated.
2. Describe the various types of power that Donna illustrates. Are these powers necessary for a leader to be effective?
Donna illustrates many types of power in her position as CEO. One type of power Donna uses is referent power. She makes the employee feel like they are working with her instead for her. She makes her employees them feel like she is no better then them so in turn the employees do what is told to do. Another power Donna uses is expert power. Expert power is based on employees believing that Donna has the expertise to reach the particular goals in hand. In return she gives and gets feedback from employees and community to work together to achieve what is need. Donna also uses