Psyc 407
18 Apr 2011
Extra credit Reflection Paper related to the movie Back from Madness
In the movie Back from Madness, you were introduced to four individuals diagnosed with serious forms of mental illness—Todd, a homeless man with Bipolar I disorder, Naomi, a college student with Schizophrenia, Eric, a young musician with Major depression, and Glen, a middle-aged photographer with severe Obsessive compulsive disorder.
Answer the following questions related to your reactions to the movie. Please write in complete sentences with proper grammar, spelling, and language appropriate to an academic paper. You can use the first person “I”, as I am asking you about your opinions/reflections. Please type your responses.
1) Given the descriptions of mental illness in your text and lecture and what you have heard or seen before in the media about these illnesses, was there anything that surprised you about how the individuals came across? For example, did you have a specific idea of how a person with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder might look or act? How did these individuals eiterh confirm or disconfirm your earlier ideas?
Well, given the descriptions of mental illness from various sources, and my exposure to what these mental illnesses are, I think that the individuals all portrayed their mental illnesses according to what I expected. When I actually saw how they behaved and thought, it did surprise me in the sense that I have never personally been exposed to people with mental disorders, so it was interesting seeing how their behaviors manifested and how their illnesses affected their life. For example, Naomi has schizophrenia. It’s one thing to know that people diagnosed with schizophrenia experience hallucinations and delusions, but to hear her describe them and hear her talk about them was a surprise. All of these individuals, except Todd I guess, confirmed my ideas about these mental illnesses, and they also made what I already knew more real.