The analysis for experiment four: Stoi 903was conducted by Me (name) and my partner (name). They analysis performed for experiment four: Stoi 903 took place at Texas State University- San Marcos in room 117 of the chemistry building. The concentrations used in the experiment were both .5 M sodium hypochlorite and sodium thiosulfate. The concentrations of the solutions found in the dumpster were calculated to be .806 M (both sodium hypochlorite and sodium thiosulfate as well). This was found by taking the 6.0% (by mass) sodium hypochlorite and multiplying it by 1 gram of solution, 1000 mL and 1 mol NaClO. This result was then divided by the result of 100g of solvent, multiplied by 1 mL of solution and 1L which equals 60g NaClO. 60g was then divided by the molar mass of NaClO (74.44) which equals .806 mol NaClO. The same can be done for sodium thiosulfate which results in the same molarity.…
Abortion is the act of killing the foetus or baby while it is still in the mother's womb. In the US and many other countries this is legal for the first four months of the pregnancy as aborting after four months is said to be terminating the life of not so much a foetus but a baby. There are a few different methods of abortion. One is to have the baby surgically removed through which the baby's feet are pulled by the abortionist and the living baby is pulled out of the womb except for the head. The abortionist then creates a wound in the base of the baby's skull with scissors or a metal tube and removes the baby's brain with a sucking vacuum-like machine before completely delivering a dead baby. Another way is to medically abort which involves taking medication in the form of a tablet to make impossible conditions in the womb for the baby to live and then delivering the dead foetus.…
Canada has a history with the controversial issue of abortion. The two sides to this topic have strong opinions about the right and wrong decisions when it comes to abortion. One might believe that abortion should not exist in Canadian society. These people are most likely known as pro-life; who believe abortion is equal to murder. Others believe that abortion is a good thing, and has had a strong impact on Canadian society. These people are pro-choice, they believe abortion is a way to help an individual's life for the better. The R.v. Morgentaler case was about two men, including Morgentaler who were licensed physicians, they set up a private clinic providing abortion services to women who did not have the necessary approval and they were criminally charged. The R.v. Morgentaler case made a significant impact on Canadian society; more broadly this case impacted the women of Canada by granting women greater equality rights, giving them a healthier along with a safe lifestyle, and it got rid of illegal acts made by doctors.…
The Wake County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC), in fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina, has completed the activities required to develop this County Plan for FY 2008/2009. The JCPC has identified issues and factors that have an influence and impact upon delinquent youth, atrisk youth, and their families in Wake County. Further, the JCPC has identified strategies and services most likely to reduce/prevent delinquent behavior. JCPC Action Plan: An Action Plan to impact delinquent behavior (included in this document) has been developed. With the goals, measurable objectives and corresponding outcomes, the JCPC proposes to prevent or reduce delinquent behavior in Wake County youth. Priorities for Funding: Through a risk & needs assessment and a resource assessment, the JCPC has determined that the following services are needed to reduce/prevent delinquency in Wake County: Major service gaps identified by the Wake County JCPC…
Based on your own experience, relevant websites, and the information found in your textbook, describe American students by answering the questions below. Does this description match your own educational experience? Why or why not?…
A society is measured by how well — or poorly — it treats the most vulnerable in its midst, and partial-birth abortion, like all abortions, is horrific violence against women and children.…
There is a huge subject debate on the word abortion which is still going on today because it is such a controversial topic that some states are continuing to change the law, so that abortion can once again be illegal. However, throughout the world, there are about 115,000 abortions going on every day and some people are fine with it. An abortion is when a woman decides to kill her unborn child for whatever her reason(s) is/are. That is why many people consider that abortion should be legal since a woman should have the right to do whatever she wants with her body. On the other hand, abortion opponents think that killing a baby is the wrong thing to do because it is a sin to them. Abortion should be illegal even though there is no right or wrong answer for whether abortion should be legal or illegal; it just depends on peoples’ views and the cases on abortion.…
Chittom, Lynn-nore. (2007) Counterpoint: Why Women Should Choose Not to Abort. Points of View: Abortion. Retrieved on June 28, 2009 from Points of View Reference Database…
A woman's right to choose abortion is a "fundamental right" recognized by the US Supreme Court. The landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade was decided on Jan. 22, 1973, and remains the law of the land. [49]…
Nijashree Shah ! Yr 10 Miss MGG Year 10 ReligionPersonal Moral Responsibility Part A:Response to Article In the article ‘Doctor investigated for refusing abortion’ published in The Sydney Morning Herald, on the 7th of October 2013, deals with the moral issue of abortion and sex selection. Abortion meaning the action of deliberately terminating of a human pregnancy, in…
For many years abortion has been a social, and political debate in the U.S. Abortion continues to create controversy between the states, and a number of human rights groups. This controversy has caused each state to develop their own set of laws regarding the issue, and some have also passed abortion bans throughout the years. By leaving such a big decision up to individual states, women’s fundamental freedoms are denied to them. Denying women the right to control their own bodies is not only unconstitutional, but it also violates the ninth, and fourteenth amendment. Rather than continuing to allow state legislators to have the power to make such decisions, abortion should continue to be legalized on a federal level, and nothing less.…
One of the most controversial issues in the United States is abortion. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy after twelve weeks of gestation ( Some miscarriage and stillbirths can be defined as accidental abortion. There are many different methods in having an abortion. Some induced abortions are performed using one of several methods. The safest and most useful and appropriate method is determined by the age of the fetus, or the length of pregnancy, which is calculated from the beginning of the pregnant woman 's last menstrual period. Most pregnancies last an average of 39 to 40 weeks, about 9 months. So abortions are performed in the first trimester of the pregnancy because it is easier and safer because the fetus is much smaller.…
Abortion has been a major issue of controversy in recent times. The issue whether abortion is necessary, right or wrong has often pitted proponents and opponents on opposite sides. Some people believe that abortion should be carried out when and if necessary and that unintended or unwanted pregnancy should be terminated. Others feel that abortion is a form of murder and should never be performed no matter the circumstances. In this article, the authors looked at the disparities in abortion rates in United States and discussed some social and environmental factors responsible for increased rate of abortion. While I agree with some content of the article, I totally disagree with them on some aspects.…
"What Are the Different Types of Abortion?" Women 's Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.…
You are a killer for killing yourself by doing abortion. Health is limited and why you have to destroy it ? You want to abort and you dare to die. After you aborted and came home to bleed, to infect, hemorrhage until die,… you are saved but sometime you are not. Behind death, you have to deal with many symptoms or disease will damage your body. When doing abortions for times or not in the right way, maybe you can not have a baby anymore. Doctors or people said that abortion is an safety procedure to help you get out of the scare, your reputation will not be ruined, all your problems are solved. But in real, it is not like that. You will have more and more troubles, waste more money for the long term after abortion. I list some diseases to prove how it kills your body - the best example. Number one: Cervical, Ovarian and Liver cancer: Woman with a history of one abortion face a 2.3 times higher risk of having cervical cancer, compared to women with no history of abortion. Similar elevated risks of subsequent ovarian and liver cancer have also been linked to single and multiple abortions. These increased cancer rates for post-aborted women may be linked to the unnatural disruption of the hormonal changes which accompany pregnancy and untreated cervical damage or to increased stress. Number two: Placenta previa: Abortion increases the risk of placenta previa in later pregnancies by seven to fifteen fold. Abnormal development of the placenta due to uterine damage increases the risk of fetal malformation, perinatal death, and excessive bleeding during labor. Number three: Abortion is significantly linked to behavioral changes such as promiscuity, smoking, drug abuse, and eating disorders which all contribute to increased risks of health problems. Furthermore, it cause the psychological complications, most of them lead you to suicide. So, it is very dangerous for you to do abortion, many diseases are waiting to kill you, right after…