Everyone’s entitled to their own choice. Whether your pro-choice or not, it’s still your decision. It’s your body and you’re allowed to make the decisions for it. The issue of abortion is very arguable in today's society. Although many people think it should not be legalized, there are just as many who think it should. Whether you think women should have the right to abortion or not, you can find support for either side. The funding for abortions is done through the tax payers and small abortion funding groups that assist you when you are having trouble paying . its been a large debate on whether the funding for abortions should stop , but a woman should have the right to choose what she wants to do with her life and her unborn child’s life. Her choice lives on her shoulders, not anyone else’s.
Many people take the side of pro-life which means they don't think women should have the right to abort an unborn child. These are the people who wish the funding would stop. They believe that the reasons women shouldn't be able to abort is that the mother is ending an unborn child's life and if the mother is old enough to get pregnant they are old enough to have the child. Some pro-life activists think that even if you have to put the baby up for adoption later you should still have it. Although some of the reasoning that pro-life activist use, might seem a little ridiculous at times many of the activist aren't able to have children or are just trying to defend a baby that can't defend itself. The pros of pro-life are that the baby gets a chance to live and experience life outside of the womb and maybe someone who is unable to have children will get the chance to be a mother or father if they adopt this child who would have been aborted. The opposing side takes a different side to the argument.
The side that is for legalizing abortion is known as pro-choice which is the side of the argument that believes that if a woman is pregnant she should have the right to an abortion and no one has the right to interfere. No one understands their circumstances and here could be different things they are going through . One, there might be something very wrong with the child and the child might be better off never being born than being born and having a life with many serious problems. You also have to think of the emotional damage this might have on the parents as well as the child. Another reason a mother might choose to get an abortion is if she was raped and she doesn't want to have the child of someone she doesn’t even know. Having a child of someone who raped you could have great emotional stress on some people. A third reason might be that the mother might already have as many kids as she wants, but she doesn't want to have to put this new baby up for adoption so she thinks it would be better if she never has the baby. Whatever decision she makes , is her decision.
Funding should be available to women everywhere. The funding for abortions should not stop because there are some people who get in sticky situations and have no other road to go down. It may not be the best choice but your decision, is your decision. No one should have any say, your mind and your body. Women already have lesser say in this world when it comes down to it. We deserve some rights regarding whether we want a child or not. We deserve access to affordable healthcare , just like men.
In my opinion, abortion should be legalized in some cases. Though this is a very difficult issue to decide which side you are on, abortion should stay governmentally funded. Although I know for a fact there are things that I strongly disagree with on both sides, I am not able to really determine who I agree with on the abortion issue, but I know I think abortion should be legal in some cases. Like when a women might have been raped or there is something seriously wrong with the baby. The abortion issue is extremely complex and will not be resolved easily.