Ethical Question: Should abortion be abolished? Is abortion murder? Should rape be considered a reason for a young woman to get an abortion?
Ethical Scenario 1: A beautiful 20 year old female having the time of her life, maybe going crazy having unprotected sex while whoever and not caring or even thinking of her consequences. A few weeks go by and the female ends up pregnant and automatically she decides to have an abortion because she don't know the father or can't afford the child or just plainly doesn’t want children. Does she have the constitutional right to an abortion?
Ethical Scenario 2: Across town another beautiful 20 year old just left her 2nd shift job at the local diner and is walking home, just a few blocks from diner. She turns a corner and is headed straight towards a man headed in her direction. Not thinking too much of it she proceeds to walk and gets grabbed by man and violently rapped. Very tragic situation but she also finds out she got pregnant and decides to have an abortion. Does she have the constitutional right to an abortion?
1. Is it legal?
Is it legal for woman to get an abortion? Yes, based upon the Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade.
Roe (Plantiff), a pregnant single woman, brought a class action suit challenging the constitutionality of the Texas abortion laws. These laws made it a crime to obtain or attempt an abortion except on medical advice to save the life of the mother.
Other plaintiffs in the lawsuit included Hallford, a doctor who faced criminal prosecution for violating the state abortion laws; and the Does, a married couple with no children, who sought an injunction against enforcement of the laws on the grounds that they were unconstitutional. The defendant was county District Attorney Wade (Defendant).
A three-judge District Court panel tried the cases together and held that Roe and Hallford had standing to sue and presented justiciable controversies, and that