PHI103: Informal Logic
Robert Gala
May 10, 2013
I. Introduction
A. Thesis Statement
In today’s society there are very many issues that are being debated over in our judicial system, but the one issue that seems to never go away is abortions. Everyone debates whether it should be legalized or illegal. Of course there are many that are for it and those that are against it, but what side is right? Is there even a right or wrong when it comes to a topic of this nature? The right to have an abortion should be a woman’s decision and no one should have the right to tell them different. In the United States everyone has the right to make their own decisions without the fear of the Government stepping in to take control, especially when it comes to the choices women makes about their own body! According to Wisconsin Republican representative Paul Ryan “We don't want a country where abortion is simply outlawed; we want a country where it isn't even considered."(Reeve, 2013). There are several reasons that cause for abortions to be legal such as; unwanted pregnancy, sexual abuse, pregnancy resulting from rape or incest, birth control or contraceptive failure and to prevent the birth of a child born with birth defects or severe medical conditions that could endanger the child’s health. These are just some of the reasons why abortion should be legal.
II. Body paragraph #1 - Topic Sentence #1
The decision to have an abortion is a woman’s choice and no one person or group of individuals should have the right to make that decision for them. As United States citizens we are entitled to make our decisions from what car to drive, what community to live in, whether to smoke cigarettes and whether to have an abortion or not. These are all examples of choices that we as United States citizens have the ability to make, why should it be different when it comes to the choice about having an abortion or not. A woman’s decision to have an abortion