You are not a mistake.
Your birth was no mistake or mishap, and your life is no fluke of nature. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He was not at all surprised by your birth. In fact, he expected it. Long before you were conceived by your parents, you were conceived in the mind of God. He thought of you first. It was not fate, nor chance, nor luck, nor coincidence that you are breathing at this very moment. You are alive because God wanted to create you! The Bible says, “The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.” Romans 122:2 (NIV)
Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before birth, resulting in, or accompanied by, the death of the fetus. It has become one of the most widely debated ethical issues of our time.
Considering what is ethical and what is legal in terms of abortion becomes very complex. The ethical concerns that revolved around the abortion issue are those that encompass a great many ideals – both religious and personal – that have to do with an individual’s concept of right and wrong. To some, the ethical implications mean allowing the woman her right to choose; to others, it is no different than murder.
Do you consider something with a beating heart a living creature? Likely, before a woman even has knowledge of being pregnant, at five weeks, a baby’s heart forms and starts beating. Therefore that would make abortion a form of murder. Murder is classified as taking another human life. The baby that is growing inside of a woman is dependant on her, so when she makes the choice to end the baby’s life, she is making the choice to murder another human. Our federal government must take a stand against the murder of an innocent human. Allowing abortions, including partial birth abortions and embryonic stem cell research is a step in the wrong direction.
All of the controversy around this issue is because it encompasses a vast
References: American Bible Society (1995) Contemporary English Version, The Stem Cell Debate (2007) Eggebroten, A. (1994). Abortion, My Choice, God’s Grace Irons, P Swindoll, C. (1990). Sanctity of Life, The Inescapable Issue The Caucus, Political Blogging from the New York Times (2007) The Coalition for Americans for Research Ethics (2007) <> The National Right to Life (2007) The Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life (2007). <> Zondervan Publishing House (1996)