It also proves the complexity of deciding such time since even the pro-choice public hold different ideas on which this time should be.There would be little to no importance in defining or setting such time if abortion was not an option, because it would not be necessary. The need to set a time in which a fetus is a person/has rights is a biased act because it assumes that life/personhood does not begin at the fertilization of a an egg, yet, as previously mentioned it is, if no outside factors interrupt the process, the biological beginning of a human being. Setting a time would imply that a second makes a difference in whether or not a fetus receives rights. It is saying that at 12:01 with 59 seconds a fetus is not old enough to be considered a person and therefore, its termination is okay but at 12:02 with 1 second ending is life would be wrong. Setting such an arbitrary and thin line for a potential life is unwise and irresponsible, especially when such arbitrary decision may lead to the termination of multiple …show more content…
If a fetus is a person, then terminating its life is wrong, but if one does not consider it a person, then it is only fair to say terminating its life is not wrong and therefore morally permissible. This is why, even if abortion is immoral, it should be legal. The fundamental argument of abortion, personhood, has come to be a matter of belief. Because not everyone agrees that the biological joining of a sperm and egg equal a life, the start of personhood/life becomes a belief instead of a fact. In the United States, if what President Jefferson said “We mandate no belief, nor will we ever” then abortion should be legal, because it relies on a personal choice constructed by a set of