What Should be Done?
Seek a Supreme Court decision that overturns Roe and protects the unborn by banning abortion, except when the pregnancy poses a clear threat to the mother's life.
Protect the life of the unborn by passing a law or constitutional amendment (such as the Human Life Amendment) explicitly recognizing that human life exists from the moment of conception.
Until abortion is outlawed, pursue measures to restrict it, such as requiring young, pregnant women to seek parental consent before they can get an abortion; requiring women who intend to have an abortion to consult with their husbands; and requiring counseling before the abortion decision to permit doctors to talk about fetal development with pregnant women.
Ban the late-term procedure called partial-birth abortion, and impose criminal penalties on doctors who practice it.
Forbid the use of public facilities or public funds to perform abortions.
Forbid the sale or distribution of drugs, such as RU486 or the morning after pill, that offer a non-surgical alternative to abortion.
Arguments For This Approach
Human life begins at conception. Therefore, abortion is murder, which is universally condemned and prohibited. It is not considered a matter of individual moral judgment.
The right of the unborn to live supercedes any right of a woman to control her own body.
Sanctioning abortion devalues life. Every premise used to justify the killing of an unborn child could also be used to justify the killing of individuals such as senile elderly persons or those who are psychologically impaired -- who some consider less than a person in the whole sense.
Since the Roe decision, abortion has become routine: around a quarter of all pregnancies today are terminated by abortions, and it has become a contraceptive of last resort for many