A Capstone project like this is never the work of anyone alone. The proponents of the study sincerely appreciate all the contributions of many different people. Their vision, talent, and skills have made this project possible. The researchers would like to extend their gratitude and appreciation especially to the following.
To the almighty God for the wisdom and perseverance that He has bestowed onto them for this capstone project. They gratify Him for guiding them to the right direction and letting them learn from the project and for understanding them completely. They thank god for opening the door of opportunity, which is a huge step for them, and for giving them strength to persist and succeed.
To their beloved adviser, Mr. Jennel D. Barzo, for being a tremendous mentor for in this capstone project. His brilliant advice throughout the project is valuable. His support, friendship, motivation, enthusiasm, and unsurpassed knowledge are greatly appreciated. Indeed, without his guidance, they would not be able to put the topics altogether; for which they were extremely grateful.
To their, capstone censor Ms. Rhea D. Dela Rama, for her brilliant comments, suggestions, corrections, and invaluably constructive criticism during their documentation process.
Last, but by no means least, they wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to their loving parents, brothers, and sisters for their unconditional support, both financially and emotionally throughout their course and for having given them their unequivocal encouragement and have incented them to strive towards their goals.
The Researchers
The researchers lovingly dedicate this Capstone project to their families and friends who have been a constant source of inspiration, support, and encouragement throughout the process; and whose good examples have taught them to work hard with enthusiasm and determination for the things that they aspire to achieve.
They also dedicate this to