Questions I have for Lincoln are: what was it like being a president during one of the most famous wars of American history? I imagine it was a stressful time, and what were activities you did to handle stress? Why did you decide to go against slavery? Other questions I have are: What was it like living in the White House? What was the lifestyle
like in that time period? Was it loud, dirty, clean, messy, bloody? What is it like having the nation rely on your choices? The conversations I could have with him would be amazing. We could talk about what is it like going through the election, and what the food was like. We could talk about how our times were different and which he would rather live in. One of the most well-known nicknames Lincoln received was "Honest Abe" but did he ever lie? And if so, what did he lie about? During the time of the civil war was a dark time. Was Lincoln ever scared of your choices? were you scared of that choice? Were you scared of dying because of that choice? Did you know how dangerous your job was and that people would try (and succeed) to kill you? On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln was in front of hundreds of people delivering one of his most famous speeches. The Gettysburg address. The Gettysburg address is one of the most famous American speech. I would ask him what is it like giving a speech that famous in front of hundreds of famous people? What was it like giving a speech in front of people who may intend on killing you? Did you ever think about that going to in front a speech?