
Abraham Lincoln's 'Gettysburg Address'

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Abraham Lincoln's 'Gettysburg Address'
After the reading of the ''Gettysburg Address'', the famous Abraham Lincoln gave a truthful meaning full speech. In Lincoln speech he said that they were now engaged into a civil war and what he meant by saying this he means with American they were having a war with America. When they were in war they were testing if the nation can last a long time together or if it will break apart this is why they were having this war to see if this could happen or if it will be just an abort. The North wanted to reunite bring the country back together he wanted to grow as a country. He keeps saying things in the speech as talking if it was possible in the future. He also said something else that was not included in the speech but a phrase that said if they …show more content…
In conclusion it states ''We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives''. In the quote you just read he is trying to say is that we are going to give this man a place for his resting place that fought for us and gave his life for us. Therefore, Lincoln is trying to change the readers minds about the idea that all men are created equal by saying to dedicate to time for those gave their lives what he is trying to say that they will have a part the people that are now dead but also other men will have a part they will not get left out. They want freedom and respect (paragraph 2 line …show more content…
The rich like to make fun of the poor and it's not fair for them that's just very cruel. I like to believe that Lincoln s trying to prevent this to happen or even stop it. To sum up, ''the brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract''. This quote that was also in the speech was meant to mean about how men were equal, ever since the Declaration of Independence the words ''all men'' have hovered all over since its creation. The slaves didn't like to be treated differently they wanted to enjoy the opportunities that the other men had but they couldn't because the rude people that didn’t let them, so slaves felt relived once Lincoln released this phrase and hopefully the slave owners would stop being so negative. In other words, '' its saying the living and dead who were brave were both created equal because the struggled here have come much more together and have gained much more power than us'' (paragraph 3 line

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