Lincoln was weak during the speech because he had smallpox, and that’s why some say it’s the most outstanding speech of the world’s problems. Commentary Arthurs say that this speech was a huge milestone for the United states of America, because after President Lincoln had got done with his speech some were struck with emotion. The reason for this Address or speech was because of the horrifying, bloody battle of Gettysburg. Although the North had won the battle Lincoln wanted all war to stop. Lincoln, also feeling weak from the deadly disease of his time, smallpox, was conscious of the inadequacy of his efforts, and returned to his seat, reputedly muttering to a colleague, ‘It is a flat failure’. His speech was met by a silence which some
Lincoln was weak during the speech because he had smallpox, and that’s why some say it’s the most outstanding speech of the world’s problems. Commentary Arthurs say that this speech was a huge milestone for the United states of America, because after President Lincoln had got done with his speech some were struck with emotion. The reason for this Address or speech was because of the horrifying, bloody battle of Gettysburg. Although the North had won the battle Lincoln wanted all war to stop. Lincoln, also feeling weak from the deadly disease of his time, smallpox, was conscious of the inadequacy of his efforts, and returned to his seat, reputedly muttering to a colleague, ‘It is a flat failure’. His speech was met by a silence which some