These were the most known contributors of all the founding Fathers. Each framer has equal contribution to the development of the Constitution and the articles of Confederation. The three greatest contributors to the Constitution in the United States were the founding Fathers in the Constitution and the Articles of the Confederation.... [tags: American History Documents Governmental …show more content…
Decisions cannot be made because there is insufficient agreement between institutions. In contrast with the countries of western Europe, the US has, [critics] argue, been unable to impose effective gun control or establish comprehensive health-care provision because decision making requires such a widely shared consensus." This gridlock is one of the reasons that some have come to call the US Constitution an "18th Century Strait-Jacket".... [tags: Papers] 861 words
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U.S. Constitution Ratification Debates - U.S. Constitution Ratification Debates On September 28, 1787, after three days of bitter debate, the Confederation Congress sent the Constitution to the states with neither an endorsement nor a condemnation. This action, a compromise engineered by Federalist members, disposed of the argument that the convention had exceeded its mandate; in the tacit opinion of Congress, the Constitution was validly before the people. The state legislatures ' decisions to hold ratifying conventions confirmed the Constitution 's legitimacy.... [tags: Papers] 804 words
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