Physicians must consider conditions related to collagen production, bone mineralisation and other pathologies resulting in bone fragility (21, 23). There are also many conditions which may mimic NAI, such as skeletal dysplasias, osteomyelitis and sickle cell disease (21). The rare disorder of congenital indifference to pain, asymbolia, has similar radiological appearances to NAI (32). Menkes syndrome, a rare metabolic condition involving copper storage, is identified using genetic studies and hair analysis, and can produce overlapping findings with NAI …show more content…
Radiological reporting must state the adequacy of imaging, describe anomalies, rule out any differential diagnoses, and communicate the suspicion of NAI (26). The degree of certainty of NAI must also be accurately communicated to physicians and thus to child protective services (26).
Laws governing the health and welfare of children vary between countries (32). In Australia, all physicians are legally mandated to report cases of suspected NAI (19). If NAI is suspected, child protective services is notified and civil court proceeding begin (1). This can take several months before judgement is formed, due to pending reports, court hearings and evaluations (33). While the child is moved to a position of safety, child protective services, the police and the court will act in the child’s best interest