My name is Hasan. I was born on Jun, 1984 in Istanbul, Turkey. Educational autobiography most of people think that education comes from school, but school is not the only place you learn. When you are a baby you learn from your parents, family, friends, playmates, and surrounding. You don’t go to school to learn to walk, crawl, sitting, stand up, talking, eat etc. You learn all that from your parents at home. When I was little I didn’t go to preschool. All things learned from my family before start to school.
I started Elementary School first day. I remember I was so excited. Our teacher She was really nice and a very smart person. She taught a lot of smart things. I still remember my teacher Ms. Dilek In Elementary school, there were probably social classes but they aren’t as noticeable then as they are now to me. I made a lot of friends very fast.
After Elementary school I went to same building of school to continue Middle school. Elementary school made me changed a lot. When I stared to middle school I feeling a little grow up. We changed dress code everything feeling difference, I would say I’m a boy I could do many thing anymore. I was very hyperactive. I was interested history class more than the others class. I didn’t like math.
After middle school, I need to decide to choose high school. Which high school will be make me good career for future time? We decided to technical high school with my family. And then I started to high school. I have been 4 years this high school they taugh me a lot of technical method. After graduate I took matriculation and then I win the college entrance exam my major is mechanical drawing. I started to technical college. I went to one year college after then I didn’t like and I decided to leave.