Throughout time there have individuals who have cheated on various things such as; sporting events, personal and professional tasks, and academic tasks. While the examples of cheating in these areas are endless, we will focus on academic cheating.
With the advent of modern technology bypassing check-and-balance systems that are in place to keep people honest have become extremely easy to bypass; for example, in the 1980’s individuals would borrow VHS cassettes and copy them; however, technology has changed and advanced since then, and with more advanced technology more people are using technology to cheat. An example of using modern technology to bypass a check-and-balance system is Napster. Napster began as a service that allowed people to download music for free without purchasing the CD; bypassing the copyright on the music. There were students who copied the music from Napster, who said “everyone else is doing it why can’t I”. (Jones, 2008). Most people who copied VCR tapes, along with those who copied music from Napster, usually did not think that what they were doing was cheating, or stealing; however, by definition it was.
“How is it cheating?” some may ask. When individuals copy things that do not belong to them, they rob the original producer out of the profits that they would have made by proper distribution. As we look at this, our question began with why students cheat, how students cheat and what are professors, colleges, educators doing to prevent cheating by the students. We find that there are an ever increasing number of students who are using technology various ways to cheat.
Students have cheated on homework, since the first homework assignment was assigned to students; however, in recent years students have found new ways to cheat. This leads to Professors and other educators to find more creative ways educate the students, which also forces educators to find
References: Harding, T. (2004, September). An honest look at cheating: engineering students are likely to do it. Retrieved August 12, 2008, from BNET: Jones, D. (2008, August). (C. Lilly, Interviewer) Kates, B. (2003, January 14). College students using internet to cheat, plagiarize on assignments. Retrieved August 16, 2008, from Minnesota State University Reporter: Kopt, D. (2007, June 13). Securexam 'Cheat-Proofs ' Remote Test Taking. Retrieved 2008 16, August, from Campus Technology: Smith, S. (2008, May 29). Exam board turns to technology to help foil cheats. Retrieved August 15, 2008, from The Tech Herold: