The Global Management Consulting Firm
Accenture Brings Employees Face to Face
Nicole Washington
The key issues that Accenture faces is how to provide their employees with a social networking tool that will create a collaboration among the company’s workers worldwide. It is a spinoff of the already popular networking sites, but their creation will allow employees to not only create their own profiles of hobbies and interests, but also share their roles and accomplishments within the company. Accenture hopes that this new method simply called “Accenture People” will give their workers tools that will aide technical expertise and guidance when working on projects. Since its creation by a team of IT professionals, Accenture has noticed that only 1/3 of its global workforce has signed on and created profiles. They want their employees to know that this service incorporates past tools teams were using to complete a task, now they will have the opportunity to compile these tools into one system. There have been a number of key factors that have leaded a team of IT professionals to develop this ideal. First, they noticed that many employees in different departments of this global company were working on projects; this network will enable them to access information about the person in their group. Second, it gives executives an opportunity to research an employee’s information beforehand when meetings are scheduled with employees from abroad. This new way of doing things seems technically fascinating and social media has been driven to the top of the ladder for individuals to share information, but the cons are weighing in on the convenience of this service. If employees are able to socialize with these networks at work, will that in turn take away from their value added contribution to their jobs, or will it allow them some freedom to create and develop more meaningful work with people from all over the world.