MAY 2013
Domestic Housing Provision :Supply and Demand in the UK housing sector
It was discovered that housing supply does not meet up with demand. Life expectancy rate is increasing caused by demands of housing of one person per households. (Wendy,2010). From research it was discovered that 1.8 million households on English Local Authority housing registers a considerable level of overcrowding in the private and social housing standard. Education and health are affected by poor housing .However it limits the ability of people to move and find work. There is a need to increase the supply of housing to tackle affordability issues for social housing . Moreover the critical social and economic role that housing plays, has not been able to meet up with political profile of Education and Health.
Alan W.E,(2005) What was intended to be a system where the state carried out development to ensure that the population were provided with a good standard of housing eventually became one in which the planning system was used to restrict development, particularly in rural areas .This resulted in higher prices as increasing demand was not met by increasing supply.
In 2007, the Government set a target of increasing the supply of housing to 240,000 additional homes per year before 2016.With the presumed target was a commitment to deliver at least 70,000 affordable homes by 2010-11 of which 45000 were to be new social rented homes .It was debated if this target would meet the demand and supply for new housing and deal with the backing of unmet housing needs.
The Uk Government recognise that homes Design need to be well made for homes, with the highest quality and environmentally sustainable. This can be applied to both traditional and conventional homes.
Also where needed to be more driven efficient and help to reduce carbon Emissions, be resilient to a future climate and
References: The united kingdom parliament (2010) House of common library Resesarch:[online]. Nash ,A (2012) British standards .Lecture 1:Project support Activities [online].[Accessed 27 April 2013].Available at <>.htm> Broadway (2010) street to home Quarterly Bulletin October-December 2010. DCLG (2011). Imlementing self Financing for council housing, London: Department for communities and local government. The western morning news (2008) .Laying foundation to end home crisis [online]. [Accessed 04 May 2013] Available at <http://>. Williams, j. (2013) Design methodology. Lecture 4: [online] [Accessed on 08 May, 2013].Available at <>. Creswell ,j .w. (2012) Educational research : planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. 4th ed. London: Pearson press Barker, K Barker, K. (2006) Barker Review of Land Use Planning. Final Report, HM Treasury, London. Ball, M Ball, M. (2006). Markets and Institutions in Real Estate and Construction Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Ball, M Ball, M. and Allmendinger, P. (2006) Rethinking the regulation of land and property markets. Final report for DCLG New Horizons Project. (Copies available from the authors.) Booth, P Cameron, G., Muellbauer, J. and Murphy, A. (2006). Was there a British house price bubble? Evidence from a regional panel, DP 5619 (Centre for Economic Policy Research London). Cheshire, P. and Sheppard, S. (2004). Land markets and land market regulation: progress towards understanding. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 34, 6, pp. 619-637. Cheshire, P Cheshire, P. and Hilber, C.A.L. (2008) Office space supply restrictions in Britain: the political economy of market revenge, The Economics Journal, 118 (June): 185-221 Hilber, C.A.L., Rouwendal, J Wellings, F . (2006). British Housebuilders. History and Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.