Topic : Accident car in Malaysia
General Purpose : To inform
Specific Purpose : To inform my audience about the causes of accident in Malaysia
Central Idea : Road accident has become one causes of death in Malaysia every year due to the few factors such as the Human factor, the vehicles factor and the road condition
I. Road accidents are horrific events that usually involve the collision of two or more vehicles on the road or highway
II. We will see a lot of accidents cases on the road in television and newspaper especially during every festive occasion like Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, and Deepavali
III. The rate of fatality due to accidents in our country is increase year by year
(Transition :Now I will start with the main point that is human factor, the second factor is vehicle factor )
Body of Speech
I. Human factor Carelessness - Many driver drives their car in drunk condition, sleepy and unconscious Driver attitudes - Attitude of feeling like disturbed, depressed, drive fast in a bad mood showed a significant tendency to road accidents
II. Vehicles factor - The vehicles are poorly maintained and inspected - The vehicle defects such as brake failure - Vehicles that do not have enough specifications
III. The road condition - A lot of dangerous corners - The narrow road - cannot accommodate large number of vehicles - Inadequate infrastructure - traffic lights, signboards, light’s street
I. Road accident in Malaysia is increasing every year and is dangerous to all people
II. All people must realize and give more attention to decrease the rate of road accident
III. The rate of road accidents could be reduced by the various actions including from
Bibliography: (APA Style) The factors that causes an accident. (2011). Retrieved January 8, 2012, from Causes of accident in Malaysia. (2010). Retrieved January 8, 2012, from Syed Zul Helmi. Statistik:kadar kemalangan jalan raya. Retrieved from