leads to satisfying jobs and money. Several individuals believe that being wealthy is the answer to happiness and therefore this if one of the more favoured lifestyles. (105b 15-19)
When referring to “friends of ours” Aristotle is referring to Plato and Socrates’ idea and he is criticizing Plato’s idea that the sciences are essential.
(1096a 15) Aristotle believes that the truth in his religion or his own beliefs takes priority over friendship with other individuals and he believes that if you are caught in a decision between keeping a special friendship or “preserving the truth”, then it is necessary to decide that truth is necessary and the friendship should be abandoned when it comes to Aristotle’s beliefs. Too, if an individual were to speak the truth and learn that this does not always make everybody feel happy or content with what you are saying, however, it is essential to stay truthful rather than lying in order to impress another person, even if that involves a good friend (1096a 18-19). Aristotle also believes that several friendships are based on the agreement of certain ideas and therefore, this can increase happiness within the friendship and to achieve a decent level of happiness we must be able to combine all of the elements of happiness along with friendship in order to find true
Aristotle criticizes Plato’s idea that studying ethics means that it is possible to find goodness and that there is one such source of goodness that exists in a form of kind in the universe. Aristotle disagrees with this thought and criticizes it by saying that he believes that there is more than one kind of good and that it does not have just one meaning but rather has different meanings that relate to its different situations and to different people (1096a 25-26). In contrast to Plato’s idea, Aristotle’s opinion does not support the sciences as Plato determines (1097a 5-6).