1. The balance sheet does not include: a. Fixed assets b. Shareholders’ equity 2. The income statement does not include: a. Sales b. Retained earnings 3. Assets equal: a. Shareholders’ equity b. Liabilities less shareholders’ equity
c. Operating result d. Retained earnings c. Interest income d. Accumulated depreciation
c. Liabilities plus shareholders’ equity d. Liabilities plus retained profit
4. Equity can be subdivided as: a. Funds contributed by shareholders, retained profit, reserves b. Funds contributed by shareholders, retained profit, distributed profit c. Funds contributed by shareholders, profit, provisions d. Funds contributed by shareholders, retained profit, provisions 5. Which of the following represents the layout of a balance sheet in the UK format: a. FA + {[St + Db + C] – STL} = LTL + OE b. FA + [St + Db + C] = STL + LTL + OE c. FA + {[St + Db + C] – STL} – LTL = OE d. C + Db + St + FA = STL + LTL + OE FA = Fixed assets, St = stock, Db = debtors, STL = short term liabilities, LTL = long term liabilities, OE = owners equity 6. Which of the following are not deducted before arriving at operating profit: a. Cost of sales b. Depreciation c. Administrative expenses d. Interest payable