Emily Anderson
ENG COMP 121: English Composition I
While both accredited and non-accredited preschools have similar ideas on structure and environments, only an accredited preschool prepares the child for school-like program. What is an accredited preschool? To be accredited, a daycare or preschool must prove that it actually offers programs known to benefit children rather than simply baby sit them. An accredited preschool is offered by National Association for the Education of Young Children also known as, NAEYC. Both daycares and preschools are required to be accredited and licensed by the government. This means that teachers must meet minimum standards and that the daycare meets health and safety codes. The building itself must pass health codes too.
A non-accredited preschool has cheaper prices, is less structured and uses enriching activities such as using art through play. The curriculum is based off of learning through play, which lets the child use techniques throughout the day, during what is called “free play”. Schedules created by teachers must meet the standards created by the government and must meet the requirements suggested. Specific licensing standards vary by state and there are minimum standards by the government.
Children spend all day at the facility whereas children who attend an accredited preschool only spend half of their day at the preschool. Most daycares accept younger children such as infants and toddlers. They provide childcare for school age children after school hours up to the age of twelve. Child ratios to teachers are higher for example in the Arizona. In the state of Arizona, we can have up to twenty- six children with two teachers, although, in an accredited preschool they can have up to twelve with two teachers.
Title: Accredited Preschools VS Non-Accredited Preschools
Most teachers and caregivers at a non-accredited preschool have lower
References: http://www.naeyc.org/academy/ Visited on 11/2/12 Clarke-Stewart, K. In Phillips, D (Ed.). (1987). Quality in child care: What does research tell us? Washington, DC: NAEYC