Another benefit is daycare centers generally have low teacher to child ratios, about 1:4 sometimes more and sometimes less. You will need to ask what the child to teacher ratio is at a particular daycare you are considering.
Daycare centers also have children separated by ages. Some parents see this as a pro while others see it as a con. If you want your child in age specific groups with age specific toys then this is a pro. If you want your child mingling will all the different ages and interacting with different levels of stimulation you might find this to be a con.
Daycare centers also require higher education levels for their teaches than home based daycare centers. This is the case most of the time, but not always so make sure you check. Also, daycare centers generally have multiple teachers.
A con is at daycare sickness spreads like wildfire and kids get sick all the time. Your child might get sick once every month just from attending daycare.
Another drawback is that at daycare centers teachers may quit and leave your child attached and upset.
Home Daycare
There are also plenty of advantages and disadvantages of home daycare. Generally, the owner of the daycare is the main