In the book Beowulf by anonymous the protagonist and hero is Beowulf. He crosses lands to help a king named Hrothgar, he ends up helping the king …show more content…
One major contrast between the two were the situations they were in. Beowulf had fought alone at most times against one monster with a few of his army men behind him. Achilles was in a war and did have some one on one combat, but ultimately killed a lot more than Beowulf had. Beowulf also got a great prize after defeating the demons, which was becoming King. Achilles will only have his name remembered forever, yet this is still an honor. Another big difference is their attitudes; Achilles was selfish at times and would only fight for what he believed in and only himself, where Beowulf crossed lands to help a king and not only himself.
Achilles and Beowulf were both great warriors and heroes to their people and have many similar traits. They both wanted to go down being known as a great warrior and having their name always be remembered and it happened. Loyal people continuously followed them no matter what and knew how to lead these people. Both of them were also honorable to their people and the monsters they killed. Achilles and Beowulf both had a purpose in their killings, whether it was for their self or …show more content…
Achilles would fit in best with the modern era because he would love the fame and glory he would get from everyone else. Achilles would always have a purpose here and it would be to be known even more than he already would be. He could be selfish and take things for himself without any repercussions yet would still help if it were for his doing. A lot of the heroes here in the modern era can vary from celebrities to someone who could be much more deserving of fame. That is why Achilles could fit in because he can be both selfish and not deserving at times, but would also do good for himself or a person he loves, just like many others in the modern