Denise Kersey
February 14th, 2011
EDU371 Phonics Based Reading and Decoding
Instructor: Therese Schultz-Nourse
Action Reading Let’s Get Started
Action reading FUNdamentals is a phonics-based program designed to assist an instructor with effective methods of reading instruction. The intention of this program was to allow students or adults a way to enhance their skills of reading. The idea behind this program is to help develop a love of reading. This course provided the opportunity for a college student to teach this program effectively to a student within four weeks.
Profile of student; Jake is a white, eight year old, male, he lives with both parents and his two siblings. His family is currently on governmental assistance, since his father’s honorable discharge from the United States Army last year. His father is of average intelligence and received his high school diploma before entering the military; his mother did not graduate and struggled in school. Jack has a history of speech and hearing complications because has struggled with several sets of ear tubes because of ear infections.
Jack never received early education opportunities currently he is in the third grade. Jack is currently reading below his grade level; because of this, the school administered a standardized test to document his reading level. The test results indicated a low average range of reading and writing skills. He has an IEP (Individualized Education Program). The IEP requires implementation of accommodations in all subjects to address his weaknesses in reading and writing. The expectations of accommodations are required in all regular education classrooms. Jack and other students will be broken down into small groups, given extended time limits, questions and directions are to read aloud, a scribe, and frequent breaks given. The Fundamentals-Phonics Tutorial: Action Reading program: disc one and two has much information. The introduction