Name _Shelby Sport_______________________________________________________
Paragraph 1--Introduction:
HOOK: Capture your reader’s attention (use a “hook”); introduce general topic—(Beliefs) and then narrow to subject of paper; provide background information on topic and/or materials to be considered (e.g., title/author of book(s), time period of study, experiment conducted)
THESIS: A thesis statement is a clearly worded answer to a question and/or a clearly worded declaration of the view(s)/ideas a writer will substantiate, assert, or prove in a paper. It IS a subject and an opinion. It is NOT a restatement of an idea that is already generally accepted.
TOPIC: Individual beliefs
FOCUS: Describe your point of view or position. (Tell the name of the belief.) Actions speak louder than words
FORECAST: A forecast statement lays out the subtopics/subdivisions of support that will follow in your essay and does so in the order in which they will appear. List the 3 major reasons why you believe? You should use your three strongest reasons from your research or experience.
First Reason - “When women talk to long about a subject concerning their relationship, the man looses you after about the first paragraph. Men don't use words to get their point across as much as they use actions.”
Second Reason – “Nevertheless, since words may sometimes be misleading, it is our actions that end up betraying our true nature.”
Third Reason – “Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.”
RESULT: Underlying message. This will give you a lead into the concluding paragraph.
The underlying message of Actions Speak Louder Than Words is that when you speak your words may be misleading. People may not understand what you mean whenever you say something important and you need them to know that its important. The actions your body shows betrays your true nature. The person will more than likely get what you are saying, when they see your actions.
PROPOSED THESIS: There are lots of thing people can believe in. I, myself believe in actions speak louder than words. A lot of people think that when you talk louder people really understand what you’re trying to say. They understand more what you are trying to say with your actions more than words. When you yell you make lots of gestures that suggests that you are angry with someone. They understand from your gestures more than your words.
Paragraph 2: In this paragraph take the first major reason that you wrote above and fill in the following important points.
First Reason: “When women talk to long about a subject concerning their relationship, the man looses you after about the first paragraph. Men don't use words to get their point across as much as they use actions.”
• Supporting detail #1 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)
“Men react to actions rather than words. They don't like it when a woman says, "Let's talk", men freak out and get on the offensive before you even say a word.” (White)
Article Source:
Personal commentary or explanation They don’t like to talk a lot, they like to show you how they feel more than they like to talk about their feelings. When you always wanna talk about your relationship the guy will always start to get offensive .
• Supporting detail #2 (this detail is factual & comes from your research) “Pay attention to the way a man is acting and not his words. First, pay attention to your actions that caused him to act a certain way towards you.” (White) Article Source:
Personal commentary or explanation You always wanna watch a mans actions. If a man is acting funny maybe you should be cautious about what you say around him and how you act around him because your actions say more because they reveal more.
• Supporting detail #3 (this detail is factual & comes from your research) • Then you felt it was OK to start calling him, he then began to pull away and became more unavailable to you. Instead of you to talking to him about this, you then use actions. You pull back from him and stop calling, he will soon get the picture, his attraction for you will begin again and he will start calling you wanting to spend more time with you. (White) Article Source:
Personal commentary or explanation If you act as if you don’t care where he is at then you will start gaining his interest again. He will begin to wanna be with you more if you back off. If you don’t call him so much and begin becoming busy, his interest in you will start to come back
Paragraph 3: In this paragraph take the second major reason and fill in the following important points (this paragraph will be part of your argument so you will want to make sure these points are strong ones):
Second Reason: “Nevertheless, since words may sometimes be misleading, it is our actions that end up betraying our true nature.”
• Supporting detail #1 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)
On the other hand, our actions, the ones that truly define who we are, are more likely to be those that would endure through the test of time.
Personal commentary or explanation
Our actions portray more of us then words do. Sometimes our words cnnot show who we truly are or what we mean. Our actions always mean more to a person than words. Words can be used to hurt someone or lift them up. More than likely people will not listen to words they will look at your actions to see how you really feel about them or really feel about the subject.
• Supporting detail #2 (this detail is factual & comes from your research) Eventually, words are nothing more than a candle in the wind.
Personal commentary or explanation
Eventually words will mean nothing to this world. Actions will mean everything to everyone in this word. Even right now in 2013, your actions mean everything, your words mean nothing to anyone. Your actions show how you feel and what you mean.
• Supporting detail #3 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)
Undoubtedly, kind words are be used, yet the purpose of their usage clearly defines the action of comforting a person in need.
Personal commentary or explanation
When you use sweet words for a person in need of comfort, your actions show what you feel about the situation, and they will appriciate the kindness I you r words and your actions.
Paragraph 4: In this paragraph take the third major reason and fill in the following important points (this paragraph will be part of your argument so you will want to make sure these points are strong ones):
Third Reason: “Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.”
• Supporting detail #1 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)
Few wishes come true by themselves.
Personal commentary or explanation Sometimes you have to “do” to make your dreams com true. You can not just sit nd be lazy and expect a geniein a bottle to pop out an give you a wish to make your dream become reality. You have to work for what you want and you must believe in yourself that you can make your dream happen.
• Supporting detail #2 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)
If you wait for perfect conditions you will never get anything done (Seseed).
Personal commentary or explanation You cannot wait for the perfect conditions to make anything happen. If you always say your going to do something and you say it for a long time, then you never do it people are going to think you don’t sa what you mean. Now, if you back up your words with the actions that should follow then people will start to believe you say what you mean. You may think your words mean everything in the world, but your actions are the thing that make your words really mean something and they make them real.
• Supporting detail #3 (this detail is factual & comes from your research)
While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior(Link).
Personal commentary or explanation
When you hesitate about doing something, even when you say that you are going to, when you do not do it, there is always somone out there, doing what they said they were going to do, yes, they migh tbe out there making some mistakes , but they are trying to show they mean what they say. You on the other hand, you are probably sitting there, like a dog with its tail between its legs, scared to do anything other than stand there and shake.
Paragraph 5: In this paragraph, you will refute the opposing arguments.
Rebuttal: Examine opposing arguments (counterarguments) and offer rebuttal. Try to tear down the opposition’s argument by showing how it is faulty in its logic, how it jumps to conclusions that aren’t sup- ported, how it appeals to emotions, but isn’t logical, etc.
Paragraph 6: This paragraph will be your last chance to convince your audience that your point of view is correct. To do this you will want to do the following things:
• Begin with conclusion sentences that restates your position – I think that actions speak louder than words because in my opinion they do. Your words mean nothing until you back them up with the actions that should follow.
• Restate the most important points you made in the rest of your paper.
• Include the underlying message.