Pre-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.
1. Which of the following statements describing the mechanics of breathing is false?
You correctly answered: d. Ventilation relies exclusively on contracting skeletal muscles.
2. The contraction of which of the following muscles will increase the thoracic cavity volume during inspiration?
You correctly answered: c. the external intercostals
3. At the beginning of inspiration, the
You correctly answered: b. thoracic cavity volume increases.
4. At the beginning of expiration, the
You correctly answered: a. pressure in the thoracic cavity increases.
5. A tidal volume refers to the
You correctly answered: b. amount of air inspired and then expired with each breath under resting conditions.
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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: Lung diseases are often classified as obstructive or restrictive. An obstructive disease affects airflow, and a restrictive disease usually reduces volumes and capacities. Although they are not diagnostic, pulmonary function tests such as forced expiratory volume (FEV1) can help a clinician determine the difference between obstructive and restrictive diseases. Specifically, an FEV1 is the forced volume expired in 1 second.
In obstructive diseases such as chronic bronchitis and asthma, airway radius is decreased. Thus, FEV1 will
Your answer : a. decrease proportionately.
Stop & Think Questions:
Which muscles contract during quiet expiration?
You correctly answered: d. None of these muscles contract during quiet expiration.
6. Minute ventilation is the amount of air that flows into and then out of the lungs in a minute. Minute ventilation (ml/min) =
TV (ml/breath) x BPM (breaths/min).
Using the values from the second recorded measurement, enter the minute ventilation in the field