Copper, Cu(s)
Stability- Stable. Incompatible with strong acids, active halogen compounds, chlorine, fluorine, iodine, bromine, ammonia. May react explosively with strong oxidizing agents.
Toxicology-Dust may cause respiratory irritation.
Personal Protection- Suitable ventilation if handling powder.
Zinc, Zn(s)
Stability-Stable. Incompatible with amines, cadmium, sulfur, chlorinated solvents, strong acids, strong bases. Air and moisture sensitive. Zinc powder is very flammable.
Toxicology-May be harmful if swallowed or inhaled. May act as an irritant.
Personal Protection- Do not breathe dust. Wear safety glasses if handling powdered zinc.
Magnesium, Mg(s)
Stability-Stable. Reacts violently with halogens, chlorinated solvents, chloromethane. Air and moisture sensitive. Incompatible with acids, acid chlorides, strong oxidizing agents. Highly flammable.
Toxicology-Harmful if swallowed or inhaled. Severe irritant. Vesicant.
Personal Protection-Safety glasses.
Lead, Pb(s)
Stability-Stable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, potassium, sodium.
Toxicology-Toxic by ingestion or inhalation. Chronic poison.
Personal Protection-Solid lead is believed to present a relatively low hazard to health, but it is a cumulative poison, and can cause serious harm if inhaled as a powder, or ingested over a long period. Most lead salts are very poisonous, as are many organic compounds containing lead, such as lead tetraethyl.
Silver nitrate, AgNO3
Stability-Stable. Substances to be avoided include nonmetals, organic substances, alkali hydroxides, acetylidene, acetylene, aldehydes, nitriles, ammonia, alcohols, ammonium compounds, combustible materials, hydrazine and its derivatives, carbides, magnesium in powder form, alcohols. Light-sensitive. Strong oxidizing agent.
Toxicology-Poisonous. Causes burns. Long-term exposure can cause permanent blue-grey staining of eyes, mouth, throat and skin, (argyria)