2. A 23-month-old infant with a heart condition presented to the ED. The physician examined the infant and , after reviewing the patient's history of a heart condition, ordered a transport to a specialty cardiac hospital. This specialty hospital is 150 miles away from the current hospital. The physician accompanies the patient in the ambulance to monitor blood pressure and pulse oximetry and to review portable ECG tracings. It takes 1 hour and 44 minutes to transport the patient to the cardiac hospital.
3. A full-term male born with birth weight of 1400 grams is being monitored in PICU for respiratory and cardiac problems. This is the second day of his stay in PICU, and the infant is doing well on oxygen therapy. Code this second day.
4. 75-year-old man with a medical history that includes BPH, HTN, and NIDDM presents to his primary care physician for his six-month check-up. The patient is taking all prescribed medications and needs a refill of his hypertensive medication. The physician counsels the patient at this session on ways to reduce his prostatic hypertrophy that include laser surgery and microwave therapy. 5. A 16-year-old outpatient who is a new patient to the office complains of severe facial acne. The history and physical examination are expanded problem focused. The physician must consider related organ systems in addition to the integumentary system in order to treat the condition. With minimal number of diagnoses to consider and the minimal amount of data to review, the physician's decision making is straightforward with regard to the