Equal Opportunity with ADA and Affirmative Action
Tim Nolan
February 14, 2010 Equal Opportunity with ADA and Affirmative Action
Living in an equal opportunity society as before the early years, may not be so equally viewed by others. As humans, one is not able to determine how he or she is born. Of course one wants to be born to what society views as normal, but this is not always the case. Some are born with abnormalities that are no fault of their own. If one did have choice, he or she would probably choose the race, gender and culture to fit the views of society. Perhaps is this was to happen; maybe racism, prejudices, and discrimination would not have caused certain rights and acts to be implemented. As one reads the essay, he or she will briefly be aware on acts that were implemented to give each individual equal opportunity in society like ADA and Affirmative Action.
An individual may have a visible or invisible disability; either should not reject a person from equal opportunity. Discrimination against, race, gender, age, and disability is illegal whether one recognizes it or not. Truthfully, discrimination still exist in the world but with hope to come and with the help of ADA, this can be something of societies past. Moreover, to protect the disable, the American Disability Act (ADA) of 1990 was passed by Congress to try eliminating discrimination. The ADA’s primary objective is to protect discrimination against a person with mental or physical disabilities in the private sector in areas such as employment, telecommunication, transportation and public services.
Facilities under construction are to implement the scope and technical requirements during the design, construction, and alterations of the building that is covered by title II and III of the ADA. Title II reflects public entities of the disable, which include any
References: Boston University. Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) .What is the ADA? Retrieved on February 11, 2010 from website; http://www.bu.edu MSNBC. 2009. Does affirmative action punish whites? Courts see a growing number of reverse discrimination cases. Retrieved on February 11, 2009 from website; http://www.msnbc.msn.com